Sunday, August 10, 2008

Recant: Looking for new church

As I was re-reading the blog about looking for a new church, I thought "boy, what was I thinking. I need to get rid of that." But then I thought again. I was frustrated? Yes. Upset? Yes. Beaten down? Yes. But it's a fact of life. I've dealt with it and now I'm over it. I never do like anyone to be fake. So, I'm not going to be. I am a real person with thoughts, feelings, ideas, dreams, challenges and hurdles just like the rest of the world. I certainly don't want to appear as though I have it all together. Here is your memo, I DON'T HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER. I am just as impatient, unorganized, quick tempered, judgement as everyone else. I know that I am a sinner. I totally depend on God for every step that I take. So, I am not going to apologize for what I have said. But I will make myself a little more clear. I surely didn't mean to put any one or anyone's church down when I called some churches, patty cake or mansy pansy. I was simply referring to the churches that don't realize their potential. They just go thru the motions, the programs and just pat you on the back and just say, "Well bless your heart" or don't say anything to you at all. My husband and I are called to much more than that. We have experienced God's healing miracles, His power and His love very deeply and strongly. We are looking for where he wants us. I feel like a puzzle piece that is just waiting for it's turn to be moved.

While you are reading this and you feel compelled to pray, please pray for us. Stop right now and pray. Don't tell your self that you will pray tonight when you go to sleep. Pray now! We certainly would really appreciate it. I truely love my friends. God has given me a deep passion for people. (That's a totally different blog) I also would like your comments and words of encouragement. We are here for each other.

Lord, I pray that as those eyes read this blog that they will see You thru me. I ask that they would hear you inspite of what I am trying to say. I ask that you send your love thru the words they read and that you will join us together as your body. You are our greatest encourager. Encourage us now, Lord, I pray. Forgive us our sins and help us to turn from our wicked ways so that You will heal our land. I thank you God that you have plans for us to prosper and you don't have any plans to harm us. You love us and knew us before we were even born. You are a great God and I love you and thank you for the people you have placed in my life at this time. Bless them and give them the desires of their heart, in Jesus Christ holy name, Amen.

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"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." -John Calvin