Friday, October 18, 2013

Walking {Through} Trials with Peace

As many of you know, I've started blogging in order to be obedient to my heavenly Father. He has been speaking to me for quite sometime about blogging for healing, mostly emotional. I believe this is my walking out the... "They shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD of their TESTIMONY"! (Rev. 12:11)

Unfortunately because homeschooling requires so much of my time, I have not been able to blog as much as I would like to. I ran into a friend last night who talked about my blog and how much she enjoyed reading it. She doesn't know just how encouraging that was.

Today's blog is about something (Which I can not disclose at this time but will at a later date) that I am having to walk THROUGH!   Thank God I'm only walking through.  This is something that I thought I would never, ever, ever happen to me.  I will say, it's concerning my health. I've felt in the past that I have done "good" things for my body. Like, eating organic when I could, watching what I eat and trying to avoid antibiotics and hormones,staying away from fried foods, using coconut and olive oil, not using pesticides or fertilizers when growing my own food, drinking plenty of filtered water, taking my vitamins, praying continually, always forgiving and not holding grudges or bitterness. The only thing I could do better at is exercising. I've not been able to find the time.

When I started this medical process, I was doing it for just a basic health routine. Never in a million years had I thought that it would have to go further. This could turn into a pretty serious deal. Without God's immediate healing, I will have to walk through for a while. But I have to say, God's peace has NEVER, NEVER left me. I am experiencing the "Peace that passes all understanding".  Actually I really like how the Easy-To-Read Version states it... Php 4:7  And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God's peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.  Whoa, holy cow. Is that not just amazing. I just love how God creates circumstances that allows you to test His word.  Testing means walking it out, living it!

Let me explain a little about His peace!  I started this journey on Sept. 25, 2013 (Which just happens to be my best friend's 40th birthday) Just like Phil. 4:7 states. "His peace will stand guard over ALL my thoughts and feelings. I haven't really gotten upset, anxious, nervous or fearful over what "could be". My mind has stayed on him. (Is. 26:3 You [God] will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You; because he trusts in You.)  Actually, I haven't thought about it much, except when someone who knows what I'm going through calls me and ask me how I'm doing.

I just want to testify that God's word is true. It never fails. God never quits fulfilling his promises. He will do what His word says. He is not a liar. He is a caring, loving, gracious, healing, peace giving/sustaining, mind keeping God. I am His child and He will NEVER EVER give up on me. If there's good news of my health test, I will certainly praise Him. If bad news comes, I will still praise Him. There is a reason why I'm going through this. I can't help but feel honored, chosen. My greatest desire is to carry this mantel that He has allowed me to carry will be done so with glory to Him and with great gratitude and thanksgiving. May I somehow show His light to someone who needs encouragement and hope.

Although, let me inlcude, I am believing the best of news. I'm believing that God still heals and can heal me.  But, if that is not what He chooses for me, I will gladly walk THROUGH it. His thoughts are higher than mine, His ways are higher than mine. (Isa 55:9  Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my[God] ways are higher than your ways, and my[God] thoughts are higher than your thoughts.")

Please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers and very very soon, I will be able to share with you wholly what it is I am facing and possibly will be facing. 

I don't have much but what I do have I give to you...Hope and Peace.

With greatest of love to you, my friend
~dee dee~

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I love this post and you!! I will walk THROUGH with you my friend. I am continuously covering you with prayer...expecting God's promises to take care of you.

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"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." -John Calvin