Thursday, July 4, 2013

{Homemade} Ice Cream

I scream
You scream
We all scream
FOR... ICE...CREAM! Homemade that is!!!

So my family has been known for making some really awesome homemade ice cream. Since I'm feeling generous today, I've decided to share my grandmother's recipe. It's really simple.

1 can sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
1 can evaporated milk (12oz)
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 package of "Junket All Natural Ice Cream Mix" vanilla, chocolate or strawberry flavor

Ice Cream maker of choice (I have an automatic)
Ice (At least 2 10 lb, bags or 1 20 lb bag)
Rock Salt

Combine all ingredients and mix well. At least for 3 minutes.
Pour into ice cream container and fill to top with 2% milk. (Can use whole, 1% or fat free)
Place container into ice cream freezer.
Add ice and plenty of rock salt. (It is very important that you keep adding salt and ice as the ice melts)
Plug the ice cream maker in and wait very patiently (As patiently as you can, right?!) My automatic maker makes in about 20 minutes. You will know that it is done when the maker stops. Or at least that's how I can tell.  Remove ice cream container immediately and place in freezer! NOT! You must eat it right away.

You can always add fresh fruit into the mix before making or add any topping of your choice. If you pray before you eat, it makes all the calories go away! (Ok, that's not really true, just me getting silly from all the sugar!)

Feel free to share just as long as you give credit!

If you decide to try this recipe, please let me know how it turned out!

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