Sunday, April 5, 2015

March 21, 2015 Shabbat Shalom

March 21, 2015 Shabbat Shalom!

It has been a little while since I've posted. I've been really busy being wife, mom, homeschool mom, business owner etc. By the way if you don't know, I opened a small online business March 2014 but have recently closed it due to too many irons in the fire.

So much has happened since I posted last. I was looking over some of my past post and have realized just how much has happened and how much I have grown in certain areas. So, I will start where we are now and in my future post try to catch you up with what has happened in the past year.

Shabbat Shalom! Today is Saturday or the Sabbath, which means "seven". My husband and I have a Saturday morning ritual. We get up early before the sun comes up, and before the teenagers arise! We enjoy each other's company with a cup or two of coffee and usually have  some pretty good discussions which are usually about the Sabbath and Messianic Judaism. This morning's discussion was about the upcoming Passover Seder. We don't know much the Passover Seder as we have never participated in one. We know what Passover is. In case you don't know, here is a link to learn more...

Since this is our first Passover in a Messianic Jewish synagogue, we will be learning from our Rabbi and fellow Messianic believers just how the Bible commands us to celebrate. Of course, we will be doing our own study from scripture as well as online sites such as the one I mentioned above. Here is a list of some others we trust:
     1. Hebrews 4 Christians - (mentioned above)
     4. First Fruits of Zion - (this website is used by many in my synagogue)

If you are wondering, we will not be celebrating Easter again this year. We have done more research about the origins of Easter and it is pure evil. I will be sharing more about that later in another post.

Until next time, Shabbat Shalom, my friend!

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"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." -John Calvin